We are extremely excited to announce that Dominicanos USA will be participating in this year’s NYC Votes sponsored Student Voter Registration Day (SVRD), on Friday, March 20th, 2015. SVRD is a day exclusively dedicated to increasing levels of civic engagement and voter registration among New York City’s youth.  DUSA New York Senior Staff and canvassers are leading educational workshops throughout the day that will impart useful information about the importance of voting and consistent engagement.

All too often, we encounter alarming levels of voter disengagement throughout the city, especially among the city’s youth between the ages of 18 and 30 who historically have had the lowest voter turnout and are less likely to become registered voters. That is why initiatives such as this one are an important opportunity to combat civic disengagement while instilling a sense of civic responsibility and emphasizing the importance of voting in our youth.

As a new organization that has learned to educate and mobilize new and young voters, DUSA looks forward to sharing our insights and experiences with NYC students throughout the day during our workshops. Our workshops will take place in the following schools: CUNY Prep (Bronx), Belmont Preparatory High School, Lehman High School, Health Academy of the Heights, and Urban Assembly for Careers in Sports.

At Dominicanos USA we understand that voting is one of the most meaningful ways for someone to partake in our country’s political process. We are truly honored to participate in this non-partisan, citywide campaign that will surely empower New York City’s youth to hone their roles as engaged community members and citizens.